When Less Helps You Achieve More
In our previous article, we explored how your course management system should help you get more from your training business. However, as important as all that lovely growth and those additional bookings is the way in which your business can be boosted by a system that helps you get rid of the stuff that’s holding you back.
Less Admin
This is a big one. Too many training providers remain stuck in old ways when it comes to managing their courses, their customers and their candidates. And the old ways can make for cumbersome onboarding, slow response times and a mountain of admin that gets in the way of more productive work.
An effective, modern course management system cuts through the traditional red tape and procedure.
They allow to you put more control with your clients, both at individual and corporate account level. Think of the time-saved by introducing an online booking journey that allows individuals to book onto courses, while also feeding into further time-saving tools such as automating registration, onboarding and communication.
Or maybe handing your major accounts their own set of keys to the system with a corporate account that lets them take ownership of their bookings: adding candidates, tracking course attendance and even managing payments and purchase orders.
It’s a removal of significant chunks of previously manual admin that unburdens your team and allows you to foster stronger relationships with your clients.
Of course, there’s more to the job than managing the candidates and clients. There are the courses themselves, and the workload that they entail.
Which is why you want a course management system that enables you to create courses, easily set up new dates, manage your resources, your venues and allocate your trainers as well. All in one easy to access platform, managed in minutes with a few clicks.
Less Abandonment and Lost Leads
Slow and confusing booking and registration processes are a fundamental reason for abandoned bookings and clients who bail out. Closely followed by issues such as lack of clarity or poor communications.
If you’re still dealing in enquiries that are followed up in a 24-hour period, then you’re leaving a huge window of opportunity for that client to disappear into the distance.
Of course, you may have some online booking facility on your website, typically in the form of an ecommerce package. The trouble with these halfway measures is that, invariably, the booking journey is unsatisfactory, aesthetically troubling and hard to use across different devices.
And while it may be fine for actually securing the booking, the process is often disjointed from the onboarding process, resulting in a wait for course and joining details that can be frustrating enough for the client to either abandon or never return.
An effective training course management system joins everything together, making the whole process run smoothly and with minimal fuss. An easy pathway, from finding and booking the course, to payments, receiving confirmation, joining instructions, registering attendance on the day and providing feedback after the course itself.
Less Staff Discontent and Turnover
In the previous article we spoke about the way a good course management system can help with team morale, helping to improve staff satisfaction which in turn can lead to a more productive workforce.
It stands to reason, therefore, that it should also mean for a team with less things to grumble about; and less reason to look for employment elsewhere.
With an efficient, powerful system at the heart of your business, you will be able to better manage staff numbers, of course. But this doesn’t mean getting rid of people, it means ensuring that the loyal and talented team that you manage are being utilised to the best of their abilities. Rather than run down and demoralised by an admin heavy workload, your team can be focused on more dynamic activities that drive the business forward; be that in marketing, sales, finance, operations or teaching.
There’s a misnomer about software, that its deployment is aimed at replacing people. But it’s the people that make a business thrive. Your course management system should be the tool to help your team and your business reach their full potential.
Now, why not find out what MORE you could be achieving with your course management system: 4 Reasons Your Course Management System Needs to Deliver More
At thinkBooker, we specialise in online booking systems for training courses, classes, activities and events – optimised for efficiency, growth and ongoing client satisfaction.
Browse the site to learn more about course booking systems, sports booking systems, event booking systems and more, or get in touch directly to find out how we can help you.
Read more about how bookings can positively impact Universities and educational settings below:
New Course Booking System for Interhigh School
Is Your Course Booking System Generating Revenue for Your University
6 Benefits of Resource Booking Software